Chitosan - The 4 Main Benefits

Chitosan is a new wonder drug that to this day still relatively untested. Its been around since 1811 when it was first observed in mushrooms . Chitosan is derived from chitin, a fibrous compound found mainly on the hard outer skeletons of crustaceans and in the cell walls of some fungi. 

Chitosan is biodegradable and has been used in the development of antimicrobial films for food packaging. It’s also approved for use in wound dressings due to its ability to form a gel. Chitosan is now being studied for use in medications and tissue engineering



So there are 4 main beneifts of Chitosan powder

1. Weight Loss

They’re touted for their ability to help you lose weight by binding to fat in the body. While there is some evidence that chitosan helps with weight loss, perhaps because it blocks the absorption of dietary fats and cholesterol, the evidence is mixed, at best. So while you may see weight loss this might be minor as tests haven't been conclusive alhthough all participants (who used Chitosan) have experienced some weight loss. 

Chitosan Weight loss

2. Supports Wound Healing

Research shows that chitosan-based compounds may be beneficial for wound healing. They have exhibited antimicrobial activity, fighting gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

For this reason, chitosan topicals, such as gels and sprays, are used in wound dressing to reduce swelling and fight infections. As you can see Chitosan has numerous uses in relation to wound healing, it helps reduce the pain, pulls the healing fluid away, encourages blood clotting thereby reducing blood loss and provides proteins for healing. Chitosan Wound Healing

3. May Reduce Blood Pressue

t has been found that chitosan helps prevent diabetes in humans, particularly the form of diabetes that is related to obesity.

Chitosan capsule decreases the blood sugar level, and the more chitosan is used, the more the blood sugar is lowered.

Chitosan benefits to balance the actions of the cells that produce insulin, and so makes insulin act more efficiently in reducing the blood sugar.

Its also well known that there are two types of Cholesterol one taht bids to the artery's walls and one that doesn't. Chitosan is know to actively transport fat in the bloodstream and is linked to positive cholesterol.

Chitosan Cholesterol

4. Chitosan Has shown to have some anti-cancer free radicals

While its super dry to explain this in more technical terms. In more laymans terms chitosan in its powdered forms is associated with its antioxidant behavior due to scavenging of cancer-causing free radical cells. These free radicals are know to attache 3 different types of cancers.

Chitosan Anti-Oxidants


So there you have it these are the 4 Benefits of Chitosan. Please note if you are Allergic to Shellfish or Mushrooms, then Chitosan isn't recommended. Please Consult your Doctor for more information


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