Zinc for Kids, does your Kid/s need Them?

Zinc is an important trace element at all stages of your child's development. 

Zinc is an important mineral and one of the most important nutrients for rapidly growing bodies. Its required for building new tissue, and plays a substantial role in.


Immune Health: Zinc helps aid the maintenance of healthy immune systems. When Zinc intake is not enought, this can lead to a greater chance of falling ill.

Bio Island

Cartilige & Bone Developement: Zinc helps aid the development of bones, and the maintence of bone strength, and cartilage development for joints.

Bio Island

Metabolism: Zinc aids in the metabolism of a broad range of foods, carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Kids metabolism

Cuts & Bruises: Zinc is an essential for healing any wounds. Its especially valuable for kids as they are prone to bumps and bruises.

zinc in wound healing

Maintaining a Healthy Appetite: Adequate zinc helps maintain a healthy appetite When Zinc is insuficient then it can lead to a reduced appetite and potentially malnourished kids.

Bio Island Zinc

Zinc is found in a whole range of natural ingredients, these include 

Beef, Pork, Chicken, some Nuts, Some Cheeses, Beans, Peas, Lots of Vegetables, Eggs Spinach Parsely, Crab & Lobster.


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