Boosting Your Childs Immunity

We all love our kids, they give us a solid foundation to love and educate (even when they send us spare lol ).

We all want the best outcome for lour little "minnie me's" , a lot of kids these days are super fussy eaters, meaning they don't neccessarily get the dietary intake required for the brain and the body to grow at optimum levels. Now we have the opportunity to help influence their immune system, and give it a boost with extra doses of Vitamin C and Zinc. So lets explore the Vita Gummies benefits.mother & baby

It's been proven that zinc is an essential ingredient in the immune system and during key phrases like pregnancy. In the case of kids it's a further help to them fighting on the huge volume of colds they get exposed to at pre-primary, primary kindy and high school.


Vitamin C is essential in our everyday growth and repair of all our tissues over the body and its a key antioxidant which helps cell membrane's repair. Without enough of Vitamin C we don't recover quickly, so Vitamin C is essential in the long term renewal and repair of the body.

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The data coming out of several countries in Asia & Latin America, indicate a growing deficiency of Vitamin C & Zinc in children.  This has been shown to impair the childs growth and cognitive development. On top of this the immune system of the child can be further impaired in fighting off the numerous flu's and diseases they are exposed to at school. 

Child Beating a Cold

Given the burden associated with the common cold and other bacterial infections in children, supplementation with vitamin C plus zinc may represent a well though out and prudent measure, with a good safety profile, against these infectious viral and bacterial diseases. We hope you get to keep your child healthy and growing.

 Vita Gummies - Vitamin C & Zinc

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