What Vitamins Should I Take Everyday???

So yes its a good question what Vitamins should you take everday?

This depends on so many variables outside of your control, obviously each sex has its own specific issues and variables. In general men don't need calcium supplements as much as women. Women also obvioulsy have menstrual cycles (iron and zinc loss) childbirth and breast feeding to contend with and these can cause issues in bone porosity, vitamin deficiency and iron loss. 

Men need Folate just like women we both need it for different reasons to generate the B vitamin which is crucial for both sexes.

Calcium is crucial to both sexes but more crucial to women as they are at a higher rate of having bone strength issues (osteoparosis) later in life.

Vitamin D is helpful in absorbing Calcium and we use also Vitamin D to generate energy.

What vitamins should i take

Zinc is another key variable that even vegetarians come up short on as is proven to be crucial in fighting infections and wounds!

Vitamin C is cruical to both sexes for energy and health, although most is internally produced (80%) and absorbed by the sun. A supplement as we get older is helpful in maintaing your health.

Daily Vitamins

The Major difference for women over men is loss of Iron in in their blood due to their menstrual cycle, obviously menopause changes that, and the stoppage of fertilisation is important for women in stabilising bloodloss and vitamin deficiencies. They also loose Folate & Vitamin B-12 during menstration and both are required along with Iron to help create a happy healthy individual.

So the above are our recommendations, and as we say everyone is totally different so instead of taking our word as gospel, our advice is to talk to your doctor and get them to see what your body requires.


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