What is the Difference Between Brightenning & Whitening Creams?

Whitened or brightened what would you prefer? 

The main goal of skin brightening is to increase radiance and glow of skin. Skin lightening, on the other hand, is aimed at reducing dark pigmentation and lightening the skin tone. Whereas, skin whitening is usually associated with more aggressive techniques to bleach and whiten the skin, to achieve a skin tone lighter than the one you were born with. 

Skin Brightening

So Skin Brightening is a more natural method of helping your skin achieve its more natural glow. Bright skin is less hyperpigmentation. Less pimple scarring. More even complexion and reduced fine lines. So when people are after skin brightening products, it needs to be effective and multi-task by tackling all of the above.

Brightening is increasing your skin’s radiance and glow to restore its lively, vibrant complexion. Brightening products helps bring the skin back to its original healthy state by rejuvenating dull, dry and tired-looking skin by sloughing away dead skin cells and stimulating skin cell regeneration.

brightening vs whitening

Whitening offers a more intensive treatment than brightening. Whitening products reduces pigmentation, dark spots, scars and discoloration by evening out the overall skin tone. Some whitening products are potent enough to improve skin complexion when used consistently over a long period of time, but results will vary from person to person. Whitening products do not bleach or drastically alter your skin tone, what they do is even out skin tone and restores your skin’s natural tone for lighter-appearing, smooth and even skin. 



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