The Top 7 Checklist for Camping.

Okay so who doesn't love camping, over a hot australian summer, going camping is a cheap outdoors focussed experience thats hands on, and if you strike the right location it's downright fun. We look today at the top 7 things to prepare for when going Camping to ensure you have a fun filled enjoyable experience.

1. Test  & Check Your Gear before Camping

There's nothing worse than pulling out a supposedly sealed conatiner with all your camping gear and seeing water in the bottom and all your gear rusted and useless. On top of this tearing the tent while setting up after a long drive can cause huge frustrations and problems while away from home base, so pulling out all the gear out setting it up, and making sure its all in working order, before you head away. Gives you the security of knowing that your trip should be stress free and enjoyable, rather than spending all your spare time fixing things, you can enjoy what you came for.

testing your gear

 2. Check the Weather - and any Fire Bans

One of our favourite camping tips is to prepare for the worst weather conditions, but expect the best. (so always pack 1 rainjacket just in case). So  always check the weather forecast on BOM (beareau of meteorology) 2. bring worst case weather gear in case the rain comes. 

BOM weather

3. Always Pack a First Aid Kit

You never know what will happen while in the great outdoors. The kids might cut their foot on the rocks, a kangaroo might have a run in, someone could trip over a branch. The list is endless, so again always come prepared with the worst case in mind. Betadine is a key addition as well to any first aid kit, as a disinfectant for any cut is key and these need to be done relatively quickly (within half an hour) to avoid any risk of infection. After all someone with an infection can ruin a holiday pretty quickly.

First Aid Kit

4. Sun ProtectionInsect Repellent

We all know the harshness of our outdoors in Australia and keeping the sunscreen on, and keeping out of the key 11am - 3pm timezone when the sun is fiercest is an important point to avoiding getting burnt. So try have lunch out of the sun and an early avo rest or nanna nap before setting out on another afternoon adventure. Its also key to bring along Insect Repellent to keep the bugs away in the evening. We recommend a Deet Free(harsh chemical) option made locally in Perth called The Locals their repellent is chemical free and you can still have a good weekend LOL.

The Locals - Insect Repellent

5. Tent & Sleeping Gear

So a good quality sleeping bag to suit the conditions is important, there is different grades of sleeping bags for different conditions if the nighttime temperature is going to be 10-15 degrees then you obviously need a different sleeping bag than in teh nightime temp is between 0-5 degrees.

A good waterproof tent is also key, and you need all the staples, upgraded Quality Pegs, A Good Mallet - to make hammering in your pegs a simpler process, Poles - Extra poles are useful for adding tarp coverage, or holding vestibules taught for gear storage, Ground Sheets and Tarps for extra covered space in inclement weather, Tent Instructions (especially important for first-timers) - usually in the tent bag, so don't forget it!

Tent image

6. Map, Compass & GPS or Rechargeable options to keep your technology going.

Ok so with the focus on technology nowdays you need things to recharge the technology and or alternativley a compass and map in case your tech runs out of power. Now some crew have rechargeable solar units hooked up to batteries to keep everything charged and others bring portable chargers to keep the tech running it up and charge it in the car during the day. However remote you are going, a spare battery can help as well, you just never know when your primary battery will pack up.

Map & Compass

7. Food & Kitchen Supplies

A good supply of food is essentail as is a good esky or electric fridge to keep the cold things edible and fresh. You may want to consider some emergency rations, just in case the weather doesn't play nicely. There are some sensational & tasty quick prepare meals available these days, and, kids love them too. 

You'll also need a variety of utensils to cook the food. These include

  • Heavy-duty plates and cups 
  • A good quality can opener
  • A good quality gas cooker in case you cannot have a fire 
  • Some quality cookware for the stove, or some camp ovens for over a fire
  • A washing up bowl is always useful to have
  • Some paper towels & Rubbish Bags
  • A tablecloth
  • Some tin foil and plastic wrap to save food in  (foils also good for cooking over open flames)
  • Some hand sanitiser for quick cleaning while you’re handling food when water is an issue
  • Plus plenty of water to help clean dishes afterwards.

Camping - Food & Cooking Utensils

Well there you have it. That's our 7 point checklist for your Spring Summer camping adventure this year. We hope this helps you in your preparations and helps make that camping trip hopefully unforgettable.

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