Skin Irritations, 3 Effective Ways to Treat Them!

Skin Irritations happen to most of us in a variety of different situations. They are quite a common problem and have many different ways to treat them.

When treating skin irritations. There are 3 Categories 

1.Topical steroids which reduce inflammation.
2.Topical antihistamines block a chemical in the body that produces itching related to an allergy.
3.Topical anesthetics numb the skin.

Types of Tropical Itch Creams

Tropical Steroids are often Mild corticosteroids, are for piles and itchy bottom, these can often be bought over the counter from pharmacies. Stronger tropical steroids, are only available on prescription. 

Topical steroids reduce skin inflammation. A short course will usually clear a flare-up of eczema. A longer term can come with side effects.

tropical steroids

2.Antihistamines are a pharmaceutical class of drugs that act to treat histamine-mediated conditions. They attack the sting area and are quick acting, they are generally only used once or twice at best.


3. Finally there is Topical anesthetics.Topical anesthesia cause a superficial loss of sensation in conjunctiva, mucous membranes, or skin, produced by direct application of local anesthetic solutions, ointments, gels or sprays. These can include more soothing items to be applied more long term they can include Vaseline, Aloe Vera and here in Australia Tea Tree. All of these are designed to soften the skins around the affected area and cause a temporary loss of sensation when applied while soothing the skin and helping it to breathe.

Cheri Tea Tree Ointment

So when you experience skin irritations there are 3 ways of treating them either with a steroid or anti-histamine, or with a Tropical anaesthetic. All three will have different results. The first two will be quite quick and the anaesthetic will be slower but better in the longer term.

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