Resveratrol - The Miracle Molecule

Its what keeps the french going longer than most other cultures, the wonder drug in grapes. 

Resveratrol is a polyphenol, a naturally occurring highly powerful antioxidant. Although you can find it in peanuts, blueberries and cranberries, it’s most prominent in the skin of grapes and shines through in natural grape juice and red wine.Resveratrol

Ok so back to the French, they are known for their traditional diet which is known to be high in fat, the heart and cardio consequences of such a rich diet, appear to be offset by moderate consumption of red wine. Though it may seem hard to believe, it has been confirmed by several scientific studies. Experts from the World Health Organisation (WHO) even noted that the cardiovascular mortality rate may be lower in those who consume moderate amounts of red wine. 

Resveratrol french Connection

So what are Resveratrol properties? Resveratrol has been shown to have a rich range of properties. These include

Antioxidant  Power: its often described as a natural antioxidant, several studies have shown its ability to fight free radicals.

Anti- Ageing: this is due to the antioxidants fighting the ageing of the body's tissues, some studies indicate in may activate longevity genes.


Anti- Inflammatory: its also a natural anti-inflammatory it helps reduce secretion of inflammatory substances, and therefore help suppress any inflammation induced pain.

Anti-Cancer Action: studies show the anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol help fight the development of cancer cells.

Blood lipid lowering: Results indicate that it may naturally reduce cholesterol, and lower the level of bad cholesterol as well.

Anti-Platelet: Resveratrol helps fight the platelet aggregation which indicates it helps with overall circulation of the blood.

Appetite Suppressant: Over time the results are that resveratrol may reduce the appetite by 10%. Which can help in weight loss, and overall health.

Benefits oF Resveratrol

Health Benefits of Resveratrol

Cardiovascular Disease: As the ‘French’ and their high fat diet suggests, resveratrol does indeed offer benefits for cardiovascular health.

Chronic Inflammation: As a natural anti-inflammatory it fights a number of inflammatory conditions, particularly in relation to the heart, liver and gut.

Obesity: With its hypolipidaemic and appetite-suppressant effects, resveratrol offers significant potential for fighting obesity and related problems. As a result, a number of specialists are considering using it in weight-loss programmes.

Type 2 diabetes. Preliminary studies suggest that taking resveratrol may offer benefits in the care of type 2 diabetes.

Cancer. As an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, resveratrol offers promise in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Positive results have been achieved in studies into skin and prostate cancer in particular


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