Propolis Truths explained

Propolis is thought to have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. But scientific research on propolis is limited. Researchers aren’t exactly sure why, but the bee product appears to provide protection from some bacteria, viruses, and fungi

Propolis is thought to have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. But scientific research on propolis is limited. Researchers aren’t exactly sure why, but the bee product appears to provide protection from some bacteria, viruses, and fungi


So the fact that Propolis ticks all the boxes of antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, means it  has pretty much all the strengths and no weaknesses, so in effect its a bit of a wonder drug from Bees. Here are some of the amazing benefits of Propolis.


1. Propolis Helps Regulate Blood Sugar

Regulated blood sugar levels are essential to maintain a healthy body. However, health conditions like diabetes prevent blood sugar control. In addition, oxidative stress caused by free-radical damage worsens these conditions.

Propolis consumption helps regulate blood sugar levels and helps reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress on many organs. That is because propolis contains many antioxidants, including vitamin C. These antioxidants eliminate free radicals from the body and significantly reduce the oxidative stress caused by them. It, in turn, protects the organs from damage. In addition, it can also prevent many chronic disorders like diabetes.

Diabetes Propolis - Blood sugar level

2. Improves Lung and Kidney Health

Propolis helps improve the functioning and health of the lungs. As mentioned before, propolis is a rich source of antioxidants. They prevent oxidative stress in many organs like the lungs. It also prevents cellular damage and inflammation in the lungs. Propolis also decreases the number of inflammatory cells in the lungs’ alveoli. One study demonstrated propolis’ positive effect against cigarette smoke and any lung diseases caused by it.

Propolis - lungs

3. Helps Improve Heart Health

According to the University of Plymouth research, propolis helps reduce blood pressure. That is because propolis can increase the population of healthy microbes in our mouths. These microbes help convert nitrates from our food into nitrite. Nitrite is a compound that can widen our blood vessels, giving more space for the blood to flow, thus lowering blood pressure. Therefore, propolis is helpful for people suffering from hypertension for high blood pressure.

Propolis also helps lower cholesterol levels in the body. Lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol can lead to a healthier heart. In addition, it can prevent chronic heart disease like atherosclerosis, congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease, etc.

Propolis Heart Health

4. Wound Healing Properties 

Propolis helps in wound healing. The antioxidants like polyphenols present in propolis help reduce the damage caused by free radicals. As a result, it prevents cellular damage in many organs and tissues. This property can also promote and speed up wound healing. For example, many cold sore ointments containing 3% propolis heal the sores and prevent future painful breakouts. 

A study suggests the use of propolis for healing burns. Propolis contains many bioactive compounds which help in cell proliferation. In other words, it increases cell growth and tissue formation. It can speed up wound healing. 

Wound Healing

Another way propolis can speed up wound healing is due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is an immune response to injuries and infections. However, it can also slow down recovery and agitate wounds. By reducing inflammation, the body can heal wounds better. 

Furthermore, the anti-microbial properties of propolis promote wound healing as well. Microbes like bacteria and fungi cause most infections. Therefore, reducing their population on the wounds can help speed up their recovery.

So there you have it there are other areas that Propolis is very Helpful in, in particular fighting Colds & Flus, and its Microbial properties that help cure skin infections and gut infections, and in some cases have been know to cause cancer cells to die off as well.


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