Propolis - Bees Wonder Medicine from Ancient Times!

Propolis posesses natural antibiotics that won't harm your gut. On top of this its got a plethora of other amazing porperties. 

Unlike traditional medicine the Antibiotic nature of Propolis is a natural form of defence against free radicals in your body. A greek word meaning Pro = At the entrance, and Polis = Community or City.  Another name of Propolis is Bee Glue, due to its Waxy nature and mechanical properties. 


Propolis varies in colour and composition due to the nature of the local food sources. Colour can vary from yellow green to red and to dark brown depending on its source and age.


Since ancient times propolis has been extensively employed by man, especially in folk medicine to treat several maladies. Egyptians used bee glue to embalm their cadavers as they well knew about its putrefactive properties. Incas employed propolis as an antipyretic agent. Greek and Roman physicians used it as mouth disinfectant and as an antiseptic and healing product in wound treatment, prescribed for topical therapy of cutaneous and mucosal wounds.

Propolis Ancient Times

People commonly use propolis for diabetes, cold sores, and swelling and sores inside the mouth. It's also used for burns, canker sores, genital herpes, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

Propolis uses

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