Multivitamins for Kids! - 5 Key Things to Look For!

Can multivitamins be beneficial for children? Are they necessary? There are a few reasons why you may opt for a daily multivitamin for your children to help them each day.

When was the last time you placed a plate of vegetables in front of your child and they ate the whole lot(we all live in hope lol)? If your child is like most, then you may have trouble getting them to enjoy vegetables. As your child grows, their bodies will rely on nutrients and vitamins to develop correctly. So this obvious deficiency is likely to potentially affect their energy and health levels.

Voost Vegies

While a well-balanced diet is the best source for the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow up strong and healthy, this may not always be possible. We look at some of the best reasons why you might choose to supplement your child’s diet with a daily multivitamin. As you can see from the below graphic there are lots of kids who struggle to get a balanced diet (frankly many parents suffer the same problem)

Voost balanced Diet

When picking the best Multivitamins for kids, there are essentially 5 nutrients we look for.

Zinc plays an important role in growth and development, immunity, gut health and brain health. Kids are often deficient in zinc, which can contribute to common kids’ health issues. The main reasons you want Zinc in kids is for Immune Function, The development of cartilage and bone, Metabolising carbohydrates, fats and protein, Minor wound healing  and Maintaining a healthy appetite. On top of this Zinc has Antioxidant activities which is hugely beneficial fighting off all the health issues kids face.

Voost Healthy Appetite

Iodine is another important trace mineral, which is essentail for brain function and thyroid health. It can be difficult for kids to get enough iodine through the diet unless you’re using seaweed sprinkles regularly. Iodine is important for growth, development and health.

Voost Iodine

Magnesium calms the stress response and encourages healthy sleep. It can be hard to get enough through the diet as it’s often depleted in the soils.

Magnesium for Kids

Iron is important for energy and brain function. When it comes to iron, you don’t want a huge dose as not all kids need that much. Obviously when Girls hit their menstrual period they require more iron in their diet due to blood loss.

Iron Sources for Kids

Vitamin D is required for immunity. It supports a strong and well-regulated immune system, so it’s particularly important for kids with allergic and atopic conditions.

Vitamin D

So once you have all these 5 Multivitamins what then. Well its important to note that you actually want multivitamins to not be too strong and overpowering. You actually want multivitamins that complement your Kids current diet and hopefully cover any deficiencies in their current food intake. So its always a case of carefully considering where your childs deficiencies are and then purchasing Multivitamins that cover that deficiency. We hope you can find a Multivitamion that helps cover your Childrens deficiencies.

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