Manuka Honey for Kids

Manuka honey is renowned for its healing properties, Honeymark, a company that makes products from active manuka honey believes that, "Antibiotics are indiscriminate killers. When taken orally, antibiotics kill all bacteria, both good and bad," the company said. "For reasons that are currently unknown, manuka honey does not affect good bacteria in the body and only destroys harmful, infectious bacteria. This is something that pharmaceuticals have not been able to accomplish.

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a relatively inexpensive way to treat common ailments. And perhaps one of the biggest advantages of using active manuka honey is that there are no known harmful side-effects.

Comvita honey

The other really usefull addition is that in addition to having antibacterial characteristics, active manuka honey is also:

  • An antioxidant – manuka honey has qualities that protect against free radicals, which cause cell damage and accelerated aging. Manuka honey is used with great success in some anti-aging skin products.
  • Anti-carcinogenic – manuka honey contains properties that are said to reduce the occurrence or severity of some cancers. There have been some studies that indicate manuka honey may inhibit the growth of bladder cancer.
  • Anti-inflammatory – manuka honey is a natural anti-inflammatory which means it can help to reduce swelling and pain.

So there you have it as long as your Child is over the age of 1 Manuka Honey has a whole host of super additives and beneifts that are sure to help your child get over many of the common viruses and flu's that we commonly face day to day. 

Comvita Kids


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