Four Great Tips on Keeping Bugs & Flies off your Babrbecue / Picnic this Spring!

Ahhh, the joys of spring & summertime, picnics with friends and family! Where the whole familly can soak up the beautiful suns rays and enjoy the outdoors.  Sometimes some uninvited guests sneak into your outdoor feast (and we’re not talking about your strange neighbour or cousin lol). 

picnic image

So we have devised some tips to help you enjoy the outdoors, and hopefully keep all the bugs at bay, while enjoying the fantastic weather that Perth has to offer.

1. Turn your body into a bug repellant

By eating certain foods, you can repel many insects. For example, munch on a clove of garlic every day for three days before a picnic. As you sweat out the garlic odour, it repels many insects.You can also take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar three times a day for three days before the picnic, too, this helps repel bugs as well.

Apple cider vinegar

2. Don’t wear heavy perfumes or scents

Stay away from wearing heavily scented shampoos, body sprays, perfumes, or deodorants while outdoors. The fragrances can attract bugs and the stings that follow, and we certainly don't want that.

perfume spray

3. Leave Sticky Sweets at Home

Insects are particularly drawn to foods like melon, grapes, peaches, fruit juices and soft drink etc – to them, they’re like flower nectar. They can easily detect these foods, and will be persistent in their pursuit. While they may be terrific summer foods, avoid them at outdoor meals, or keep in well-sealed containers that you open only when everyone is ready to have some.

Flies on sweet fruits

4. Apply a bug repellent sunscreen or roll on onto the skin or around the picnic site.

A roll on or repellent will serve two purposes 1. it can act as a sunscreen and or a moisturiser (so in effect its skincare for the whole family even the boys lol) and 2. it can act as a bug repellent (particularly those annoying flies lol) both of which are incredibly useful for those little whipper snipers ie kids or baby's, who are often prone to seek out all sorts of bugs and midge's.

Fairia Tail Swat

So there you have it there is 4 great tips on how to win the war against the bugs this spring and summer, you have been Warned :) Happy Barbecuing and Picnicing.

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