Elderberries - The Berry Antioxidant King

Black elderberries ar a wonder berry with some of the highest levels of antioxidants occuring in any natural berries, even among other Elderberries.


They're a natural source of vitamins C, E, and A, and are packed with more free-radical-fighting antioxidants than cranberries, blueberries, or pomegranates. European black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is the most common and most used elderberry in commercial production. 


Antioxidants are a big deal in our health and the reason why is they fight free radicals that damage our bodies at a cellular level. Free radicals are produced when our bodies break down food and when we’re exposed to environmental toxins, like cigarette smoke and pollution. We can’t avoid them, but we can combat them. That’s where antioxidants come in.

Antioxidants help the body fight off free radicals. They can help bolster the immune system and defend against the damage caused by these invaders. We get antioxidants from the foods we eat and the supplements we take. Colorful fruits and vegetables, including black elderberries, are natural sources of antioxidants.


These free-radical fighting superheroes are what give fruits and vegetables their distinct colors. Different fruits and vegetables contain different kinds of antioxidants. That’s why it’s so important to eat a diet full of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Black elderberries get their deep purple color from the antioxidants they contain: anthocyanins and flavonoids. They are types of polyphenols, the super important antioxidant found in grapes and red wine. What makes black elderberries so special is that they contain A LOT of polyphenols. That’s why people have been using black elderberries to make wines, tinctures, jams, and more for centuries! (It’s important to note that raw elderberries are toxic, and they must be heated to remove their toxic compounds before they can be consumed.)

Elderberries polyphenols

 Benefits of Elderberries

There are three main benefits of elderberries, the first is potentially to fight the flu once caught. Elderberry supplements seems to reduce flu symptoms when taken within 48 hours of the first flu symptoms. Again however people with pre-disposing factors like bad lungs aren't recomended to take these. 

The second main benefit is an improved immune system. With the volume of antioxidants, this means that free radicals are rapidly reduced and it means your immune system is more robust and under control, and ready to fight new threats when they appear.

The final Benefit of Elderberrys is improved Cardiovascular Health. The increased fighting againts free radicals by the antioxidants results in a healthier Cardiovascular system.



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