Disposable Facial Towels Revealed!

Disposable facial towels are a big trend worldwide and the main reason is the sanitary option. As every new towel is fresh and sanitary. After all they are in direct competition to face and hand towels,and they potentially could be rubbing your face in ecoli from other household residents if its not regularly washed (everyone says they like to wash it regularly, however the reality is often somewhat different). 

Disposable Facial Towels

While Disposable its an expensive proposition longer term as you need to replenish them on a more regular basis, the regular washing of the hand or face towels is alos a power consuming option. The Disposable its a far more sanitary and cleaner option.

Makeup remover pads

Its also a more biodegradeable option when it comes to removing makeup. The average makeup pad takes on average 4-6 times longer to break down as opposed to the disposable face towels. There are a range of other uses, these include baby care as a 80 wipe pack is a more cost effective option than a small pack of baby wipes.

Disposable Facial Towels

When it comes to household cleaning these are also a good option to replace the cheaper courser kitchen paper towels. Disposable Facial towel is a more acceptable term for soft cotton tissues. “Disposable, pure cotton, and sterile” are the main benefits of these Zumi Disposable Facial Towels, and we encourage you to try them

Zumi Disposable Facial Towels

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