Can Collagen Help You Sleep?

We all Love our Sleep?

After all a good deep sleep makes you feel ready to take on the World. So the question remains does Collagen Help you sleep? Well the answer is yes, but as yet its not scientifically calculated to do so. The reason why is collagen contains glycine.


Glycine plays a crucial role in many of your body’s natural processes, including sleep. A glycine intake before bed has been shown to improve the length and quality of sleep in many people.

Glycine can also help by addressing the effects of sleep deprivation: anxiety, low energy levels, and reduced cognitive function. When taking glycine, participants in one study reported that they were peppier and less impaired by a lack of sleep than a control group. They also reported better recall and improved concentration.


What are the Benefits of Collagen & Sleep(glycine)

collagen & Sleep

Collagen & Sleep

Well there is several the first is obviously as mentioned previously,Sleep improvement, and several report big improvements if glycerine is taken 1 hour prior to bed. The obvious flow on from the result of a good nights sleep help in many different facets.

Collagen & mood

Collagen & Mood:

Collagen’s glycine-boosting powers can also help in regulating your mood and emotions. In today’s stressful world, many of us are looking around for something to reduce tension and anxiety without making us feel sleepy or detached. Because of its role in serotonin production and regulation, glycine can really help smooth out those peaks of anxiety and improve your mood overall.

Collagen fact

Collagen & Your Body

Because collagen is so ubiquitous, ensuring a ready supply of the building blocks for new collagen can help you in many different ways. Collagen supplements can help improve your digestive health, strengthening the tissues of your GI tract. Because it contributes bulk without adding lots of extra calories, collagen can support healthy eating by moderating your appetite.

Collagen is great for active people of all ages. It can improve your muscles’ strength and resilience, helping you to perform longer and recover more quickly after exercise. Collagen is also crucial for joint health, as it makes up much of the soft tissue in your joints. It also supports certain inflammatory conditions, so it’s great for those who engage in activities that are likely to impact the joints. On top of all this collagen can also help you get softer skin by protecting your skin against free radical damage and ageing.

collagen Memory

3. Improves Your Memory

Collagen can also inadvertently, while you’re resting, help your mind  convert your short-term memories into long-term ones – helping to train your brain to retain memories.  

Collagen Reduced Stress

4. Reduces Stress

A good sleep routine can refresh and relax your mind from any stress that you may have encountered during the day, helping you to feel less irritable the following morning, and helping make you less stressed and overall more relaxed.


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