Boosting your Kids Immunity - Vita Gummies

We all love our kids dearly and know as parents that our kids getting sick 7-8 times per year is an ongoing process of them building up their immunity and becoming healthier and more robust. The most obvious ways to assist them are by a Healthy diet with lots of vegetables, keeping them active, and ensuring they get enough sleep, plus trying to keep their stress levels down. 

These are the things we can control, its going over and above on items like immunity defence that will help our kids be hopefully less sick overall as their immune system strengthens. 

Healthy Diet

So what does Vita Gummies offer that's helpful and of use to your Children. Well firstly it tastes good so that's a bonus (I still recall a friends child chewing on a Malaria tablet lol, a very funny sight indeed as they taste foul). Secondly they come jam packed with essential nutrients that help your kids immunity. They come packed with Elderberry, honey, zinc and Vitamin C. so lets break that down individually.

Vita Gummies Immune Defence

The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms. So Win number 1


Secondly Honey, its well versed that Honey has lots of beneficial ingredients for us, its a great source of antioxidants, has antibacterial and antifungal properties, heals wounds, helps soothe sore throats and on it goes. Honey is a super drug and some Honeys like Manuka have proven to be wonder drugs. 


Thirdly Zinc. It's been proven that zinc is an essential ingredient in the immune system and during key phrases like pregnancy. In the case of kids it's a further help to them fighting on the huge volume of colds they get exposed to at kindy and high school.


Finally Vitamin C its essential in the growth and repair of all our tissues over the body and without enough of it we don't recover quickly so Vitamin C is essential in the long term renewal and repair of the body.

Vitamin C

So that's it, we can see all these ingredients help to make a more robust immune system for our kids, and we hope that you take advantage of this technology that gives our kids an above average fighting chance of staying healthy and not getting sick.

Healthy Kids

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