Bilberry & Lutein - Protect Your Eyes

Our Eyes are so Important? Without them our capabilities diminish rapidly.

We explore Bilberry & Lutein and look at why they are so useful to our Eye Health.


The Health Benefits Of Bilberry

The fact that it sounds very much like "blueberry" is no coincidence. Bilberries are actually closely related to the blueberry. Bilberries can be eaten as they are or made into extracts. The leaf of the plant can also be used as an extract. The bilberry has been commonplace in medicine for a number of years and has been used to treat eye problems as well as scurvy, diarrhoea, kidney stones and many other ailments. Bilberries contain anthocyanosides that, like lutein, have very strong antioxidant properties. Much like lutein, bilberries can be used to treat and prevent a number of eye conditions. One potentially valuable property that the bilberry has been shown to have, which lutein does not, is its ability as a vasodilator. Vasodilation is the opening of your blood vessels to allow more blood to pass through them. Increased vasodilation is good for all around blood pressure and organ health but it could be especially good for your eyesight. Your eyes are made up of a large and intricate network of tiny blood capillaries and increased blood flow to them may be helpful in bettering your vision. You can obtain the health benefits of the bilberry by eating them raw, dried or by brewing the leaves into a tea.


The Health Benefits Of Lutein

Lutein is found naturally in leafy green vegetables. It is a type of carotenoid that plays a protective role for the vegetable and prevents it from excessive sun damage. In humans, lutein has powerful antioxidant properties that can help protect your eyes. Lutein accumulates in the macula of your eye, which is responsible for central vision. Lutein’s powerful antioxidant effects can help to reduce and fight the free radicals that cause damage to your eyes as a result of a poor diet, blue light and sun exposure. By decreasing the oxidation of these free radicals, lutein can help decrease the risk of developing eye conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. Lutein could also stop existing eye conditions from progressing and act as a preventative measure for the future. Aside from the main benefit of protecting your eyesight, lutein has been observed to have a few other advantages for your health as well. Carotenoids like lutein are present in your skin as well as your eyes so the antioxidants will help protect your skin from free radical damage. In addition to these antioxidants, lutein has anti-inflammatory properties that could be a factor in reducing cancer and heart disease risks.

Taken together Lutien & Bilberries are fantastic as a joint protectant against deteriorating Eye Health. they can fight off many free radicals and their antioxidant properties are highly useful in stopping cataracts and other harmful eye health problems.

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