Baby Moisturiser - Do newborns need it

Most newborn babies do not need lotion. If the baby’s skin does not seem dry or irritated, there is no need to use lotions

Baby moisturiser

However if a child has dry skin or eczema, then you should consider the following, 

Baby Eczema

1. If the baby has sensitive skin or eczema make sure you choose fragrance free products. Fragrances are an unneccessary ingredient and some are allergic.

2. If the baby has eczema or skin allergies, keep a log of food lotions and anything else that might trigger the allergy. 

3. Be careful with Lanolin, some babies are allergic to lanolin.

So be mindful that theres no single lotion that will suit every baby.


5 Things to do when Choosing Moisturiser for Children

1. Avoid fragranced Products: kids can be allergic to frangrances

2. Don't assume Natural is Best: essential oils and nut oils can irritate the skin.

3. Choose Hypoallergenic Products: Ensure the product is tested for Allergys

4. Opt for thick Textured Creams: Most thick textured creams create a more protective film on the skin, and tend to provide a more long term solution.

5. Try stick with plainer smoother minimalist products: Most sensitive, mild eczema prone skin prefers more plainer creams



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