5 Ways to Get Rid of Stinky Feet

Yes we know all of our feet smell from time to time (yes we admit it shhhhh) 

"Fun fact, your feet have more sweat glands in them than anywhere else on your body," Taylor Wiegele, the co-founder of the odor-absorbing shoe insert brand Zorpads, says. According to Wiegele, "the sweat doesn’t actually smell like anything."

Foot odor and infections happen when the bacteria that live on your skin and in your shoes eat your sweat. (Ew!) This produces an acid byproduct that smells unpleasant, says podiatrist Joy Rowland, DPM.

“Bacteria and fungi and all those lovely little bugs love heat, moisture and darkness — and the inside of your shoe is the best place for that to happen,” she explains. So we have after extensive reading developed 5 clear cut ways to get Rid of Smelly or Stinky Feet.

Smelly Feet

1. Practice good hygiene

If you have stinky feet, you should wash your feet every day. You can wash them as you shower, or you can scrub them in a tub with warm water. Dry your feet thoroughly, including between the toes. 

Disinfect your Shoes

2. Disinfect your Shoes

 You should avoid wearing the same shoes two days in a row to let them air out. In addition, you can wash the insoles of your shoes to help them smell better.

Another way to help reduce stinky feet is by using a disinfectant spray on your shoes and letting them air dry. This will kill off any bacteria living in your shoes.

Feet Powder

3. Use Powder on your Shoes & Feet

Yes thats right we need to kill those dreaded bacteria and bugs, and this is another way that helps a lot. We recommend Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Foot Powder . This contains 100% pure Australian Tea Tree Oil, and is known to control foot odour from sweaty feet.

Tea Tree Foot Powder
 If they are, your feet might sweat more than normal. Try to loosen them as much as possible.this is also what causes corns or deformaties in your toes if your feet are squashed.
Tight Shoes
Be sure to always dry your feet well, if your feet get sweaty in the job you use then be sure to chance socks when your socks get wet. Socks made of Natural fibres also are an excellent way to absorb moisture throughout the day. So use cotton and linen in preference to Viscose and polyester.
Keep feet dry
So there you have it do these 5 things and you should go a long way to helping rid the World of Smelly Stinky feet :)

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